Yesterday I passed the second and final exam in the F5 System Engineering track F50-522. Without breaking NDA lets go into an overview of the exam :
- As I mentioned in LTM Essentials F50-521 exam, the questions are mostly based on theory. So you need to know hot things works instead of how things are done. Having more then 3 years of hands on with those devices, I really had hard time on some of the questions :)
- Majority of the questions requires you to have a deep understanding of Virtual Server types (network,transparent,forwarding), SNAT/NAT concepts like automap and how source and destination IP@ changes from client to member node.
- Master the iRules. Know the context for each method. Know how context changes the behavior of local_address/remote_address etc..
- Master TCL functions like findstr,starts_with,ends_with etc..
- Know variety of logging options like alertd,syslog-ng and snmpd
- And for sure you need to have a good understanding of how HTTP works. Cookies, Keep-alive messages and their interaction with One-Connect profiles, XForward headers etc..
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hyper-V Live Migration Network Configuration Guide from Microsoft
Microsoft just released a network configuration guide for Windows 2008 R2 Hyper-V Live Migration feature. It's short but useful article at least for design perspective.
This guide describes how to configure your network to use the live migration feature of Hyper-V™. It provides a detailed list of the networking configuration requirements for optimal performance and reliability, as well as recommendations for scenarios that do not meet these requirements.
Windows 2008 R2
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Microsoft recommends Increasing VMBus buffer size on Hyper-V for better network throughput
I read an article on Windows Server Performance team blog. Basically it's recommending increasing the VmBus buffer size from 1MB to 2MB to get a better network throughput and a less chance of packet loss for VMGuest NICs on Hyper-V.
In order to make the change (source above) :
On the Guest OS , In the Network Adapter Properties dialog, select the Details tab. Select Driver Key in the Property pull-down menu as shown in figure 1 (click the images to see a version that's actually readable):
"Your workloads and networking traffic may not need increased buffers; however, these days, 4Mb of RAM isn’t a tremendous amount of memory to invest as an insurance policy against packet loss. Now, if only I could increase a few buffers and alleviate congestion on my daily commute!"
In order to make the change (source above) :
On the Guest OS , In the Network Adapter Properties dialog, select the Details tab. Select Driver Key in the Property pull-down menu as shown in figure 1 (click the images to see a version that's actually readable):
Record the GUID\index found in the Value box, as shown in figure 1, above. Open regedit and navigate to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{GUID}\{index} as shown in figure 2:
Right click the index number and create two new DWORD values, entitled ReceiveBufferSize and SendBufferSize (see figure 3). These values measure the memory allocated to buffers in 1Kb units. So, 0x400 equates to 1,024Kb buffer space (the default, 640 buffers). In this example, we’ve doubled the buffer size to 0x800, or 2,048Kb of memory, as shown in figure 3:
Friday, February 12, 2010
F5 BigIP Virtual Edition
F5 released a trial version of their famous LTM (Local Traffic Manager) product. The product is valid for 90 days trial use. It can be a great candidate for testing the product for your virtual environment or building a home lab for your F5 Certification studies.(F50-521 and F50-522 exams)
First download the file for your VMware virtual platform (ESX(i) vSphere or Workstation 7)
Then generate a registration key for your product that will be used to create the dossier file for activation during initial setup. You can have up to 4 registration keys e-mailed to you :
The virtual machine has :
3 NIC (should be possible to additional NIC for redundant pair heartbeat traffic)
10 GB vdisk
NOTE : Don't try to decrease memory, otherwise you will have problems allocating additional modules to LTM.
You can find the detailed installation document on :
First download the file for your VMware virtual platform (ESX(i) vSphere or Workstation 7)
Then generate a registration key for your product that will be used to create the dossier file for activation during initial setup. You can have up to 4 registration keys e-mailed to you :
The virtual machine has :
3 NIC (should be possible to additional NIC for redundant pair heartbeat traffic)
10 GB vdisk
NOTE : Don't try to decrease memory, otherwise you will have problems allocating additional modules to LTM.
You can find the detailed installation document on :
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Blog has a copy, Beware of counterfeits :)
Today while I was checking my Google Alerts RSS feed, I realized a post I sent was replicated to another site. After entering to the website I got shocked. It was a complete replica of my blog. Check below :
I hope I didn't promote this fake blog giving its URL:) Btw I sent an email to the for further action. Hope they will take care asap.
I hope I didn't promote this fake blog giving its URL:) Btw I sent an email to the for further action. Hope they will take care asap.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Vulnerability in Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Could Allow Denial of Service - 977894
A new security bulletin by Microsoft has been published today. This DoS vulnerability effects the x64 editions of Windows 2008 and R2 including the Core installations.
This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V and Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V. The vulnerability could allow denial of service if a malformed sequence of machine instructions is run by an authenticated user in one of the guest virtual machines hosted by the Hyper-V server. An attacker must have valid logon credentials and be able to log on locally into a guest virtual machine to exploit this vulnerability. The vulnerability could not be exploited remotely or by anonymous users.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
How to test the throughput/performance of your network using Netperf - Part 1
In this multi-part series, I will explain how to use GNU tools and Linux to have a free network throughput test setup. In Part 1 of the series we will use only one NIC to create single unicast TCP/UDP stream to saturate the linkspeed.
First of all what I used to have this test setup (you can adapt it to your needs)
HW :
- 2 HP Blade on same enclosure chassis with 10Gig HP Flex NICs. (servers)
- HP VC Flex 10 (the network device)
Software :- Centos 5.4 x64
- I only installed core GNU packages + development libraries. No unnecessary service/software loaded. Even I took XWindow(Gnome/KDE) out of the package and run the system in rulevel 3.
- Disable Firewall/SELinux
- netperf rpm (
I made the first run of the test using single Vnet (counterpart of VLANs in HP Virtual Connect). You can also use the same tools to create a setup that utilize Shared Uplink Sets (trunk links on VC). In order to set this up create a Vnet for your load VLAN(Vnet_LOAD). Create the profiles for the blades and assign one FlexNIC with 100Mb to management VNet and the other one to VNet_LOAD (10Gb)
Netperf is based on client server model. After installing the software on both blades you execute different processes on different nodes. netserver as the name states is the server part of the test suite. You can also use the
[root@SERVER ~]# netserver
Starting netserver at port 12865
Starting netserver at hostname port 12865 and family AF_UNSPEC
while netperf is the tool that executes the test and gives output.
[root@CLIENT ~]# netperf -H SERVER -l 15
TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to SERVER (*******) port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
87380 16384 16384 15.00 9387.92
For detailed documentation and command line options you can check :
First of all what I used to have this test setup (you can adapt it to your needs)
HW :
- 2 HP Blade on same enclosure chassis with 10Gig HP Flex NICs. (servers)
- HP VC Flex 10 (the network device)
Software :- Centos 5.4 x64
- I only installed core GNU packages + development libraries. No unnecessary service/software loaded. Even I took XWindow(Gnome/KDE) out of the package and run the system in rulevel 3.
- Disable Firewall/SELinux
- netperf rpm (
I made the first run of the test using single Vnet (counterpart of VLANs in HP Virtual Connect). You can also use the same tools to create a setup that utilize Shared Uplink Sets (trunk links on VC). In order to set this up create a Vnet for your load VLAN(Vnet_LOAD). Create the profiles for the blades and assign one FlexNIC with 100Mb to management VNet and the other one to VNet_LOAD (10Gb)
Netperf is based on client server model. After installing the software on both blades you execute different processes on different nodes. netserver as the name states is the server part of the test suite. You can also use the
[root@SERVER ~]# netserver
Starting netserver at port 12865
Starting netserver at hostname port 12865 and family AF_UNSPEC
while netperf is the tool that executes the test and gives output.
[root@CLIENT ~]# netperf -H SERVER -l 15
TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to SERVER (*******) port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
87380 16384 16384 15.00 9387.92
The default test is TCP_STREAM you can also define other tests like UDP Request Response to fully saturate Full Duplex Link :
[root@CLIENT ~]# netperf -t UDP_RR -H SERVER -l 15
UDP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to SERVER (*********) port 0 AF_INET
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec
129024 129024 1 1 15.00 21045.72
Also you can fetch the CPU utilization info while doing the test using -c (local) and -C(remote) parameters
[root@CLIENT ~]# netperf -t UDP_RR -H SERVER -l 15 -c -C
UDP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to SERVER (*******) port 0 AF_INET
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans. CPU CPU S.dem S.dem
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate local remote local remote
bytes bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec % S % S us/Tr us/Tr
129024 129024 1 1 15.00 20964.03 2.06 2.03 15.759 15.481
For detailed documentation and command line options you can check :
On the next parts of the series I will focus on different types of throughput/load tests like multi flow & multi IP throughput testing using netperf & some Linux tweaking and IP multicast testing using MGEN.
Virtual Connect
Thursday, February 4, 2010
F5 Big IP LTM Certification
I've been planning to have F5 certification for a long time. Last Tuesday I had a chance to take and pass the fist exam of F5 System Engineering track which is the F50-521 LTM essentials exam. That makes me certified as F5 Product Consultant - Local Traffic Management. 10th IT certification in my museum :)
As part of NDA I will not go into the details but will give an overview of the exam :
- First of all Student/Instructor guide is not alone sufficient for the exam. You should also take a look on product documentation. The exam is currently covering 9.4 material.
- Apart from the practical side of the devices, you should mostly focus on the theory. I didn't get any lab question like I had in Cisco exams.
- Knowing the theory of NAT/SNAT, iRule, some of the TCL function syntax, VS, Pool and Profile details, redundancy/failover concepts will help you a lot in the exam.
- You will need 76% to pass out of 50 questions. If all questions have the same weight that means you have a chance to make 12 mistakes.
Next week I will also take the F50-522 Advanced exam for the F5 System Engineer certification. Good luck to me ;-)
NOTE : I'm still preparing for the RHCE lab. I will also put updates on the blog about that.
As part of NDA I will not go into the details but will give an overview of the exam :
- First of all Student/Instructor guide is not alone sufficient for the exam. You should also take a look on product documentation. The exam is currently covering 9.4 material.
- Apart from the practical side of the devices, you should mostly focus on the theory. I didn't get any lab question like I had in Cisco exams.
- Knowing the theory of NAT/SNAT, iRule, some of the TCL function syntax, VS, Pool and Profile details, redundancy/failover concepts will help you a lot in the exam.
- You will need 76% to pass out of 50 questions. If all questions have the same weight that means you have a chance to make 12 mistakes.
Next week I will also take the F50-522 Advanced exam for the F5 System Engineer certification. Good luck to me ;-)
NOTE : I'm still preparing for the RHCE lab. I will also put updates on the blog about that.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hyper-V Memory Overcommitment in new Service Pack for Windows 2008 R2
One of the features in Vmware Infrastructre that was missing in Hyper-V was over-provisioning of memory resources which is also known as memory overcommitment. A leaked screenshot from Softpedia shows that the dynamic memory management features is about to be included in the next Windows 2008 build.
Windows 2008,
Windows 2008 R2
Windows 2008: Modifying Network Bindings from CLI
Microsoft internals just released a tool called nvsbind. For our mass deployments I was using a powershell script which I wrote in order to change network bindings on specific interfaces (disable IPv6,File and Printer sharing etc..)This really requires lots of effort.(fetching registry hive,modfying it making queries to Inetcfg classes etc..)
With this tool it is now possible to make this via CLI. It can also change NIC binding order for specific protocols.
Parameters are as below:
C:\>nvspbind /?
Hyper-V Network VSP Bind Application 6.1.7690.0.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Usage: nvspbind [option] [NIC|*] [protocol|*]
/n display NIC information only
/u unbind switch protocol from specified nic(s)
/b bind switch protocol to specified nic(s)
/d disable binding of specified protocol from specified nic(s)
/e enable binding of specified protocol to specified nic(s)
/r repair bindings on specified nic(s)
/o show NIC order for specified protocol
/+ move specified NIC up in binding order for specified protocol
/- move specified NIC down in binding order for specified protocol
Most options are documented in the readme which downloads with the install.
The NIC connection order options (o, + and -) show the NIC connection order, move NICs up and move NICs down.
With this tool it is now possible to make this via CLI. It can also change NIC binding order for specific protocols.
Parameters are as below:
C:\>nvspbind /?
Hyper-V Network VSP Bind Application 6.1.7690.0.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Usage: nvspbind [option] [NIC|*] [protocol|*]
/n display NIC information only
/u unbind switch protocol from specified nic(s)
/b bind switch protocol to specified nic(s)
/d disable binding of specified protocol from specified nic(s)
/e enable binding of specified protocol to specified nic(s)
/r repair bindings on specified nic(s)
/o show NIC order for specified protocol
/+ move specified NIC up in binding order for specified protocol
/- move specified NIC down in binding order for specified protocol
Most options are documented in the readme which downloads with the install.
The NIC connection order options (o, + and -) show the NIC connection order, move NICs up and move NICs down.
Windows 2008,
Windows 2008 Server Core
Monday, February 1, 2010
Project Sikuli : Innovative approach to Scripting using image recognition.
Project Sikuli is a new automation scripting language developed by MIT students. This new development environment uses image recognition for processesing. So you can say click on this image on the screen then type this etc.. The syntax look like Python and the IDE is based on Java. So any machine with JRE can run this. I'm really planning to do some server side test case automation based on this new language. If you check the project site even the 0.9.7 release contains lots of features. For more information check :
For examples (especially the bejeweled bot shows the skills of this new IDE):
For examples (especially the bejeweled bot shows the skills of this new IDE):
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